Spot Limousine Booking
Q: What is the latest time for a reservation?
A: The departure date that can make an appointment, it is after 7 business days that accept a day.
Q: When will the reservation be made?
A: The same day can also be arranged according to the reservation status.
Q: Can I use it in the early morning or late at night?
A: It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, depending on the customer. (8 hours of legal time for late night use will incur additional late night fee)
Q: Can you specify a model?
A: According to the inventory situation, according to the inventory situation, will be additional designated car requirements. Basically we will decide to use the vehicle, but if you do not know which model is suitable, please contact us when booking.
Q: Does the price vary according to the number of passengers?
A: No matter how many passengers there are, it's based on the price of one car. Therefore, the price will not change according to the number of passengers.
Q: Will there be a charge for standby time over the ground?
A: In the case of via waiting, there will be additional charges based on time.
Q: When can I get the vehicle information (license plate number, etc.)?
A: The vehicle information can be notified to the designated contact person the day before use (usually we will contact you on the day of use). If you would like to contact me in advance, please let me know when you make an appointment. However, according to the status of the appointment may not be able to meet your requirements, please discuss with me as soon as possible.
Limousine Service
Q: Is it possible to use only for one day?
A: It can be used only for one day. If the usage time and route are clear, you can make a rough estimate by phone, so please feel free to contact us. For payment, you can make a transfer after use or pay by cash or credit card on the day.
Q: Can I use a fixed driver and vehicle?
A: For executives and company vehicles (exclusive use), people and vehicles can be fixed and used. For commuting or spot use, it is possible to receive a driver or vehicle designation depending on the reservation status. (A separate fee will be charged.)
Q: Can I appoint a driver?
A: I can not accept it in principle. However, you may be able to accept a driver nomination depending on your reservation status, so please feel free to contact us when making a reservation.
Q: Does the fare vary according to the number of passengers?
A: The charge is independent of the number of passengers. It is based on the price of the vehicle.
Q: Please tell me the method of payment.
A: Payment on the day and advance payment are available.. Cash, credit card, WeChat, Alipay, etc. can be used for payment on the same day.
Q: Are there any vehicles that can smoke? Are there any non-smoking vehicles?
A: All cars are non-smoking.
Q: Can I eat and drink in the car?
A: You can eat and drink inside the car.
Q: Can I use a child seat?
A: Available. If you wish to have a child seat, please inform us at the time of booking. Q: What color of vehicles do you have?
A: It is basically black.
Q: Can I use my hire for sightseeing?
A: You can use it for sightseeing. We can respond to various requests.
Q: The road at the meeting place is narrow (there is no parking place), is it okay?
A: We will respond to customer needs at the designated meeting place. We conduct education specific to the higher attendants, and only the driver who passed the internal review after education will be in charge of the customer. Please leave in peace.